In my experience, research and opinion
By: Coralie Mosby Palmer
Many females mistakenly believe weights are for men and will only give them a bulky pair of biceps. New clients have often told me that they do not want to get big muscle or do not want beefy arms. My reply: Women do not produce as much testosterone as men (the hormone responsible for increasing muscle size). Therefore, it is almost impossible for them to gain massive muscle mass. The image of a professional female bodybuilder may come to mind. Unfortunately, many women use anabolic steroids (synthetic testosterone and other drugs) to achieve that high degree of muscularity and vascularity. In addition, most have excellent genetics, which allows them to gain thicker muscularity more quickly.
( More on steroids at the bottom of the page)
A Few Benefits of Resistance Training
The Facts
Sports scientists and numerous experts (too many to mention) agree that the number one benefit of weightlifting for women is the positive impact on improving bone density. Resistance training/weight training is considered the first line of defense against osteoporosis, affecting one in three women over fifty worldwide. Bone density is associated with the strength of the muscles attached to the bones – meaning that by strengthening the muscles, the bone mass will automatically be enhanced. The more you lift, the stronger your bones become. A program of resistance training is better for bones and joints than any aerobic exercise. Cardiovascular exercise itself is good for building the skeleton. Still, too much impact on bones caused by overuse can be problematic for joints. A program of weight training not only improves bone density, but it makes conducting general tasks easier. Everything from carrying bags to picking something up is more easily accessible when weight training is part of a regular exercise program.
Sports scientists have all agreed that cardiovascular exercise is not the only way to reduce blood pressure; weight training can be just as beneficial. Our bodies are constantly burning calories, even at rest. The resting metabolic rate is much higher in people with more muscle. Each pound of muscle uses about six calories a day to sustain itself. In comparison, every pound of fat burns only two calories daily.
Our bodies burn calories for a more extended period after resistance or strength training.