Don’t Take My Word For It…
Read A Few Kind Words From My Happy Clients

Training with Coralie on WebFitLive has been fantastic! I knew nothing of fitness or nutrition before. I’ve never had muscles or even been toned before working out with Web Fit Live.
I’ve been a member of the Dad-bod squad for the last several years. In January 2020 my weight was 225lbs Where it had been for a long time. I’m now down to 175lbs as of July 2020 and have actual abs! And, majority of all done during quarantine without gyms, all from my own home.
Following Coralie’s advice and while continuing to get online for my workout sessions, I decided to give up all the “fun stuff” to get the results I wanted. That meant no alcohol and almost no sugar For me. I do intake lots of protein and occasionally have a Coke Zero.
I will continue to use Web Fit Live and gladly recommend to anyone who is serious about getting the results they want.