Control Your Health & Well Being
Don't Wait Another DayWelcome To WebFitLive.com
We provide the highest degree of comfort, convenience, and affordability to help you exercise in your own home, at your own pace with a workout that is tailor-made just for you, to meet your goals and needs.
Are Your Tired Of Driving To A Crowded Gym & Getting NO Results?
How Virtual Personal Training Works
We exercise together online Live-Remotely using today’s most popular teleconferencing services, or I can email you a link requiring no downloads, just a double click and we are face to face. All you need is a Wi-Fi connection.
Remote Training with Coralie

How do I help you get your desired results in only 30 minutes?
I help you cut to the chase by training hard and smart! With over 30 years of combined fitness experience, I can help any client get their desired results, even if we begin training in a bathroom with no more than a towel. Of course, as a virtual personal trainer, I cannot touch you to correct your form. However, I found that if I am vocal enough (not too tough for me) and can give good direction, then perfecting your form is not any more difficult virtually, than it is in real life. With personal training this convenient and affordable, it allows my clients to exercise with me more frequently, even on the go!

We use the most popular teleconferencing services for Virtual Personal Training.
Zoom, Face Time, Google Hangouts, The Facebook Portal and the Echo Show